The Refugee Family Meal

The Refugee Family Meal

My Lebanese Experience
When I first discovered that of thirteen million displaced Syrians, roughly half of these refugees are children, I was nagged by a question: Why was I so lucky to have grown up in California? There are millions of children not in school, struggling to cope with shattered lives, and many of them working full time to feed their siblings. I kept thinking about how the kid version of myself would fair in the shoes of these refugee children. It ate at me enough that when I got the opportunity, I packed my cameras and traveled to Lebanon.

The Only Way I Want to See the World: Community Tourism

The Only Way I Want to See the World: Community Tourism

When we arrived at the Tesoro Verde community center in Los Planes, a small rural tourism cooperative on the outskirts of Drake Bay, the director greeted us and explained that our guide was held up but that he’d sent his son in his stead. This is the kind of thing that happens when traveling amongst locals and these little hiccups are often where most of the magic and adventure comes from. code